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Dear Alumni,

– Published 22 May 2015

I am now approaching the end of my first semester as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering LTH. It has been an exciting and intense period. I have experienced both fun and challenging times, and I am looking forward to (hopefully!) having time to reflect and look ahead over the summer holidays. As you can see in, for example, LTH News, there are a lot of exciting things happening both within education and research – you can follow us there, on our website and in other media.

It is now time for graduation and conferment ceremonies. One should never miss an opportunity to celebrate! On 22 May, 120 graduates will take part in two graduation ceremonies in the great hall of the main university building. I am particularly happy that we are presenting a new scholarship. Captain of industry and previous chairman of LTH’s board Karl-Erik Sahlberg has set up a scholarship fund that rewards the best degree project in the subject of chemistry. We are extremely grateful for this.

On 29 May it is time for the university’s greatest celebration – the doctoral conferment ceremony. At this event we celebrate all those who have completed their PhD degrees over the past year, as well as our honorary doctors: Colin Carlile, previous MD at ESS; Martin Gren, founder of Axis; and Liesbet Van der Perre, electronics professor from Belgium. It is soon also time for LTH to celebrate our jubilee doctors (50 years after completing a PhD degree).

I hope you have a wonderful summer and that we continue to stay in touch.

Viktor Öwall

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering LTH