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Back to school

– Published 1 September 2015

It’s wonderful to see the engineering campus full of life again! Last week we had the pleasure of welcoming all of our new students at the Faculty of Engineering LTH. As I left for the Union Building shortly before 8am last Monday morning, the atmosphere outside the lecture theatre was thick with anticipation and excitement. The week prior we welcomed our international Master’s and exchange students, last Wednesday it was Campus Helsingborg’s turn, and finally yesterday came the students on the food technology programme. It might seem boring to do the same thing over and over again. But I have to say that welcoming our new students has been a very positive experience. To meet all these expectant ‘young’ people embarking on their academic journeys. My thanks go out to all the LTH employees who have worked so tirelessly during this period – particularly the student counsellors, programme management and the International Office. And to see the level of responsibility and commitment the Student Union display in the introduction of new students is impressive. A big thank you to the Student Union for giving our students such a great start to their time here!

I myself have been back at work for several weeks, and the tempo is now back to full throttle. One major issue that’s ahead of us is the evaluation of the educational organisation. Deputy Dean Annika Mårtensson’s team has received 150 pages of feedback on the proposal that was sent out before the summer, and is now being modified. Once it has been finalised, it is important that we all help out during the implementation phase in order to succeed with the changes regarding quality assurance and cost effectiveness I have requested. We also have to start talking about 3+2 – an issue that has been avoided for a long time, but that we have to put on the agenda!

Assistant Dean for Research Erik Swietlicki’s team sent out an initial proposal for a new research organisation before the summer. I am positive towards the ideas presented in it, and hope that such an organisational change can help make LTH more strategic. An open hearing will be held on 9 September at 16:00 in E:A. I hope to see many of you there!

An issue that is strategically very important to LTH, Lund University and the whole of Sweden is how we will work towards MAX IV and ESS. We do not currently have a collective plan for how to use these amazing facilities that have landed in Lund. Their close proximity is no guarantee for us. We have to be proactive, and everyone should be thinking about potential projects. Think, discuss, and make contacts…. fast!

I look forward to an exciting autumn!

Viktor Öwall
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering LTH