Laser Lab
The Division of Atomic Physics, LTH, provides access to a wide range of research lasers and optics equipment, from tunable cw lasers with very high frequency stability, to lasers with ultra-short pulse duration and/or ultra-high peak intensity.
The lasers include:
- Terawatt laser 10 Hz, up to 1.5 J/pulse, 35 fs pulse duration, peak power 40 TW
- Ti:sapphire CPA 1 kHz, 5 mJ/pulse, 20 fs pulse duration, available with a TOPAS to obtain different wavelengths.
- Yb CPA 1-200 kHz, average power 7W, 200 fs pulse duration, 1030 nm, available with a TOPAS to obtain different wavelengths
- OPCPA 200 kHz, 10 μJ/pulse, 7 fs pulse duration, CEP-stable.
- cw lasers Tunable in the visible and near IR, with high frequency stability (sub MHz)
The pool of spectroscopic and imaging equipment includes:
- Fiber-optic system for time resolved spectroscopy in the visible and near-infrared wavelength range for characterization of scattering samples.
- Fiber-optic systems for fluorescence spectroscopy of solid or liquid samples
- Fiber optic systems for reflectance spectroscopy in the visible and near-infrared wavelength range of highly scattering solid or liquid samples
- Spectrophotometric setup for transmission spectroscopy in the visible and near-infrared wavelength range of non-scattering samples
- Multispectral imaging system based on electron-multiplying CCD for fluorescence and reflectance imaging of samples
- Zoom microscope for wide-field fluorescence microscopy or light-sheet microscopy
We are located at the Department of Physics in Lund.
In-house expertise
We are experts in optics, lasers, optical spectroscopy and laser-matter interactions
User skill requirements
The lasers mentioned above represent advanced state-of-the-art research equipment and their operation requires skilled staff. Such staff is available, both for laser operation and for assistance in the various specific applications, depending on your precise requirements. The users are thus not required to be able to operate the lasers themselves.
Information about fees for equipment and technical support are available on request.
Laser safety
All users must sign a safety agreement before working with any of our laser beams.
Contact information
Cord Arnold
Senior lecturer, Atomic Physics