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Application process


Teachers applying for ETP should subit the following for assessment (in pdf format):

  • Teaching portfolio
  • CV with a special section for educational activities
  • Statement from head of department
  • Verification that that the applicant has had discussions with two critical friends

The teaching portfolio

The teaching portfolio consists of a personal document in which the applicant presents his or her teaching and learning philosophy (reflektions on teaching and student learning) together with integrated examples from his or her own teaching practice. If possible, structure the portfolio like this:

  • Cover sheet with title, name, date and number of words
  • Table of contents
  • Preferably, use font Calibri 11 pt. or Times New Roman 12 pt.
  • Spacing 1,5 increases the readbility
  • Include page numbers
  • Maximum number of words is 8 000 words (exklusive title/cover sheet, table of contents, list of references, and attachments)

If you have applied for ETP before, please add a short revision report: A section that describes what have been revised since the last time and how the feedback given has been taken into consideration.

CV with a special section for educational activities

The CV should be put together in such a way that the assessors can form an opinion of the applicant’s teaching activities and experience, pedagogic training, and other relevant qualifications. 

Statement from the head of department

To the application should be attached a statement from the applicant's head of department (if applicable anchored also on divisonal level). In this way, the head of department is given the opportunity to comment on the functioning of the applicant in his or her role as a teacher, emphasising that there are no shortcomings in the relation to students and colleagues.

Verification discussions with critical friends

Applicants shall add a verification that they have had discussed the content of the teaching portfolio with minimum two persons who already have been awarded ETP. These persons act as critical friends and the discussions should focus on the content of the portfolio with the aim of identifying possible improvements (the critical friends have no responsibility regarding the assessment). Applicants chose their critical friends themselves and are responsible for the discussions taking place.

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