CEE's self-assessment for external evaluation 2019
In 2019, the Centre for Engineering Education was evaluated by external experts.
The 2019 evaluation (PDF, 1.27 MB, new tab)
As part of the process the CEE has written a self-assessment.
Instructions for CEE
Education plan and syllabuses for Compulsory Higher Education Teacher Training (CHETT) at LTH
Education plan
Education plan for qualifying teaching and learning in higher education (PDF, 181.3 kB, new tab)
Syllabuses (open in new tab):
- Develop Your Teaching with Active Learning (PDF, 234 kB)
- Collegial Project Course (PDF, 312 kB)
- Communicating Research (PDF, 300 kB)
- Developing and leading courses at LTH (PDF, 300 kB)
- Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (PDF, 269 kB)
- Readership Course (PDF, 256 kB)
- Supervision of Degree Projects (PDF, 425 kB)
- Teaching, Learning and Supervision for Adjunct Professors (PDF, 272 kB)
- The Good Lecture (PDF, 378 kB)
- Teaching Portfolio Workshop (PDF, 314 kB)