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Science week launch: Is the World Becoming a Better Place?

The ways we see the current state of the world differ. The science week Is the world becoming a better place? will kick off with music and a choral performance by the Palaestra Vocal Ensemble. We will also present the week and what it offers – everything from symposia, guided tours of the city of Lund, lectures, debates, and open house events for the whole family at Vattenhallen Science Center

– Published 1 March 2017

A warmer climate, increasing gaps between rich and poor, environmental damage, shortage of clean water, inequality between men and women... It almost seems as there is no end to the major global challenges we have to tackle. How do we reverse the trend and how can research contribute?

The science week “Is the world becoming a better place?” from 6 to 12 March is organised as part of Lund University’s 350th anniversary celebrations. The week will be inaugurated on Sunday 5 March from 17:00 to 18:30 in the auditorium of the main University building with discussions and choral singing.

The opening ceremony starts with words from the the Chairman of the Jubilee Committee Göran Bexell, and ends with Vice-Chancellor Torbjörn von Schantz and his reflections. In between we listen to discussions focusing on the theme selected for this science week, where researchers and event organizers will be invited up on stage, mixed with a choral performance. Students will provide their views on whether or not the world is becoming a better place. We will also present the week and what it offers, ranging from symposia, tours around Lund, lectures, debates and open house for the whole family. The opening ceremony will be in English.

The event is free and doesn't require registration but please indicate if you're coming in our Facebook event.

Date: 5 March 
Place: Main University building auditorium
Time: 17:00-18:00

About the vocal ensemble
The Palaestra Vocal Ensemble is a project-based choir led by the Odeum’s choirmaster Cecilia Martin-Löf. The choir consists of 8–24 trained soloist singers and performs both within the Odeum’s event programme and in other contexts.

About the Science Week Is the World Becoming a Better Place
Is the World Becoming a Better Place is the first of five scientific theme weeks (and related scientific conferences) that will take place during the jubilee. Discover more about the Science Week and the related events