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Landscape view with rape fields and power lines. Photo.

LTH Profile Area: Energy Transition

There are solutions for making our society independent of fossil fuels. But to be able to apply these solutions, interdisciplinary research and collaboration are needed in areas such as sustainable fuels and thermal energy, system studies, electrification, and energy storage – which are fields of excellence of the Profile Area.

By the joint forces working on thermal and electrical energy and related conversion, transmission, distribution and storage technologies, LTH has a unique possibility to make a strong contribution to the transition from a fossil dependent to a sustainable society.

Focus areas

Electricity based on renewable sources makes it possible to eliminate fossil fuels through electrification. The research is organized in three directions:

  • Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity from renewable sources
  • Electrification of transports
  • Electrification of industry

Contact: Fran Marquez and Richard Pates

Renewable fuels play an important role in applications where electrification is not the best option. The research is organized in three directions:

  • Production of renewable fuels
  • Sustainable drive systems for vehicles
  • Combined heat and power, and reused heat

Contact: Sara Blomberg and Mattias Richter

Energy storage is essential for balancing variable renewable generation and for supplying energy when it is needed. Sector couplings make it possible to convert electricity to and from energy stored in other forms than electricity. The research is organized in three directions:

  • Design and use of energy storage
  • Decarbonization of energy use in industrial processes
  • Indirect sector electrification – Power-to-X

Contact: Martin Andersson and Kerstin Sernhed

Education related to energy transition


The Profile Area develops technical solutions together with academic partners across the world including the local research facilities ESS and Max IV. Equally important is to introduce the solutions through collaboration with industry and authorities, where the national competence centres form important networks. Links open the respective partner's website.

Olof Samuelsson and Sara Blomberg. Photo.


Olof Samuelsson and Sara Blomberg

Link opens in Lund University's Research Portal

Närbild från röntgenapparat. Foto.


Latest from Energy Transition

2024 Energy Transition | LTH, Faculty of Engineering

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Contact Cecilia Schubert, Communications Officer, for more information:

There are solutions for making our society independent of fossil fuels. But to be able to apply these solutions, interdisciplinary research and collaboration are needed in areas such as sustainable fuels and thermal energy, system studies, electrification, and energy storage – which are fields of excellence of the Profile Area.

By the joint forces working on thermal and electrical energy and related conversion, transmission, distribution and storage technologies, LTH has a unique possibility to make a strong contribution to the transition from a fossil dependent to a sustainable society.

Focus areas

Electricity based on renewable sources makes it possible to eliminate fossil fuels through electrification. The research is organized in three directions:

  • Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity from renewable sources
  • Electrification of transports
  • Electrification of industry

Contact: Fran Marquez and Richard Pates

Renewable fuels play an important role in applications where electrification is not the best option. The research is organized in three directions:

  • Production of renewable fuels
  • Sustainable drive systems for vehicles
  • Combined heat and power, and reused heat

Contact: Sara Blomberg and Mattias Richter

Energy storage is essential for balancing variable renewable generation and for supplying energy when it is needed. Sector couplings make it possible to convert electricity to and from energy stored in other forms than electricity. The research is organized in three directions:

  • Design and use of energy storage
  • Decarbonization of energy use in industrial processes
  • Indirect sector electrification – Power-to-X

Contact: Martin Andersson and Kerstin Sernhed


The Profile Area develops technical solutions together with academic partners across the world including the local research facilities ESS and Max IV. Equally important is to introduce the solutions through collaboration with industry and authorities, where the national competence centres form important networks. Links open the respective partner's website.

More about

Links open in Lund University's Research Portal


Energy Transition owns and operates experimental facilities and contributes to shared resources. Links below will open the respective infrastructure's website.

Närbild från röntgenapparat. Foto.


Latest from Energy Transition

2024 Energy Transition | LTH, Faculty of Engineering

Power lines. Photo.