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LTH professor chosen for top EU climate position

One of the 15 appointed experts of the newly minted European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change is LTH professor Lars J Nilsson. The board will independently review the EU's climate work, and provide advice on appropriate climate measures and goals.

– Published 29 March 2022

Lars J Nilsson.

“I am excited to start this work. We will advise on climate measures that are implemented by the EU and the climate goals that are set”, says Lars J Nilsson, professor of Environmental and Energy Systems at Lund University, who primarily will contribute with his expertise on the decarbonization of the basics materials industry.

The new council is a consequence of EU legislation, which stipulates that an independent climate science council must be established.

The council is a variant of the climate policy councils formed by several EU countries, including Sweden. However, as this council will operate at the EU level, it is not unlikely that its recommendations may affect individual countries' climate policies. Much of Sweden's climate policy is governed by the EU, such as targets for emission reductions, emissions trading and financing of green technology.

Lars J Nilsson has not met his new colleagues yet. It is now up to the members to mutually decide how to go about their work, and a first meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.

News article about the appointment on the website of the European Environment Agency

Lars J Nilsson

Lars J Nilsson is Professor of Environmental and Energy Systems at LTH and researches technical opportunities, strategies and policies for the industry's transition to fossil-free. He is also the lead author of the chapter on industry and industry's climate transition in the next IPCC report.

Lars J Nilsson's profile in the Lund University research portal