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Congratulations on your Graduation!

On Friday, May 24th, a record number of graduates will receive their diplomas from the Dean's hand at LTH's formal graduation ceremony in the auditorium of the main university building. The keynote address will be delivered by Nobel Laureate Anne L’Huillier. During the ceremony, which will be broadcast live on the web, scholarships from the Sahlberg donation and the Student Union’s pedagogical award will also be presented.

– Published 24 May 2024

Several diplomas.
2024 a record number of graduates will receive their diplomas from the Deans's hand at LTH's formal graduation ceremony in the auditorium of the main university building

In the spring of 2024, 324 newly graduated newly graduated engineers, master's students, , industrial designers, and architects will receive their diplomas at LTH's graduation ceremony  in the auditorium of the main university building.

The graduation ceremony is divided into two sessions, with the first starting at 12 PM and the second at 4 PM. Both ceremonies will be livestreamed at, allowing friends and family, both in and outside of Sweden, who cannot attend to follow the ceremony remotely.

The keynote speaker at both ceremonies is LTH Professor and Nobel Laureate Anne L’Huillier. The address on behalf of the graduates at the first ceremony will be given by Heidrun Dis Magnusdottir, a student in the Master’s program in Machine Learning, Systems and Control, and at the second ceremony by Charlotta Sporre, who studied in the Engineering Physics program. 

Student Union's Pedagogical Award

At the 12 PM ceremony, the Student Union’s pedagogical award will be presented to Anna Axelsson from the Department of Computer Science, with the following citation:

Anna is awarded Teknologkåren's pedagogical Award for her dedication, her leadership in digital pedagogy, and her responsiveness to students' opinions. In the advanced programming course, Anna has digitized large portions of the material so that students can process it at their own pace and where it suits them. Anna complements the pre-recorded digital material with Q&A sessions both on-site and online, further enabling students to plan their studies independently. She ensures that the digital material is well-maintained, which is appreciated by the students. Her comprehensive approach makes Anna a valued teacher. Anna's commitment to students doesn't end at lectures; she also shows that students are important in her free time. After working hours, she often participates in D-chip events to answer questions, assist, and inspire female and non-binary students in the D-guild during their studies. This interest beyond studies helps give a holistic perspective to learning. Her dedication both in- and outside the classroom makes Anna a natural choice for Teknologkåren's Pedagogical Award. Thank you, Anna, for inspiring students to learn!

Karl-Erik Sahlberg Scholarship

At the 4 PM ceremony, LTH will present a scholarship for an outstanding thesis from the Karl-Erik Sahlberg donation. The scholarship is worth 50,000 SEK, and this year’s recipient is Saskia Purbojo from the Master’s program in Biotechnology, who is being honored for her thesis Techno-Economic Analysis of 5-HMF Production from Sugar Beet Molasses and A Potential Application. The scholarship will be presented by Carl Sahlberg and Caroline de Geer Sahlberg.

The ceremonies will be broadcast live at