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Lufoss scholars

Lufoss Scholarships September 2019

The LUFOSS award for 2019 goes to 5 doctoral students who promote open source code in teaching. During Thursday, September 5, the Lund University Fund for Open Source was awarded to 5 happy doctoral students who can share SEK 10,000.

Sara Gunnarsson, Peter Larsson, Sara Månsson, Erik Mårtensson and Jonathan Sönnerup have worked actively as PhD students at LTH to promote open source code as an educational tool. Among other things, they have done an interesting study of how student engagement can be increased through open source code and collective ownership of course material. The work is communicated to a wider audience through an article published at LTH's educational inspiration conference, which has been extensively downloaded and also cited in the Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education.

Link to their article: https://portal.research.lu.se/ws/files/27854342/group1_github_final.pdf

Lufoss Scholarships December 2017

LUFOSS PhD student scholarship to Marcus Rettig

Marcus Rettig, Simon Persson and Karl-Oskar Rikås are the main contributors of an open source project for visualization by virtual reality of employment data from the Swedish Employment Service. They created the project during OpenHack 2016 based on a challenge from the Swedish Employment Service and this government agency has continued to be involved. The project was presented at the political week of Almedalen and received great interest as a proof of potential of digitization of the public sector. The project has evolved to a platform for visualization of general data and is also used in yet another promissing challenge from the Swedish Employment Service at OpenHack 2017.

LUFOSS PhD student scholarship to Markus Klang   

Markus Klang is a doctoral candidate in Computer Science at Lund University. In his research he creates tools for analysis of large sets of natural language texts, for example the entire corpus of Wikipedia. The results are visualized using graphics where related text elements are linked and annotated.  For example, a name such as "G√∂ran Persson" can be connected to the most probable interpretation depending on the context in a text. Some examples of open source tools that Markus has created are Wikiforia, Docforia and Langforia, which all are freely available at Github with many users. With these tools it is simple build pipelines of language analysis steps and also to include several languages (Swedish, English, Russian, Chinese, etc.). Som of the tools has a web front-end for interactive analysis and exploration of the graph of any text, see e.g. http://vilde.cs.lth.se:9000/

LUFOSS Honorary Award to Jakob Borg

Jakob Borg is the founder and maintainer of the successful open source project Syncthing, which offers free, decentralized and safe file sharing while preventing companies and governments from monitoring your data. After studies in Computer Scienve at Lund University, Jakob started working with computer networks and eventually became CTO at Perspektiv Bredband, a Swedish Internet Service Provider. Today he is a senor consultant and owner of the Kastello consultancy firm, which helps companies to benefit from Syncthing and sponsors its development. Syncthing has a large and growing user base of more than 100 000 users and an active and welcoming community of developers who continuously contribute new features to the code base while making it more reliable and secure. His successful work as leader of the community around Syncthing makes Jakob Borg an excellent role model for coming generations of software engineers.

Lufoss Scholarships October 2016

LUFOSS Undergraduate student scholarship 2016 to Erik Gärtner

Erik Gärtner is a Computer Science student at Lund University and currently an exchange student at Georgia Tech in USA. He has contributed with several open source projects relating to graph theory and natural language processing. His two most popular projects is the graph visualization library dTree as well as a sentiment analysis library called Sentimental. He is also an eager bug fixer in many open source projects.  

LUFOSS PhD Student scholarship 2016 to Niklas Fors

Niklas Fors is a PhD student in Computer Science at Lund University. As a result of a collaboration with industry, Niklas has developed Bloqqi, a new language for feature-oriented programming of automation systems. Bloqqi is an open-source project  and includes both a compiler and a visual editor for the language. Niklas has also contributed to several other open source projects, in particular to the metacompilers JastAdd and JavaRAG.

LUFOSS Junior software engineer scholarship 2016 to Oskar Wickström

Oskar Wickström is an autodidact developer currently working at Empear. Oskar has started several open source projects including the Oden programming language, the DataFlow visualization tool, and the testing framework purescript-spec, and he contributes to various other open source projects. He is also a member of the Øredev Developer Conference program committee and was a speaker at Curry On Rome, PolyConf, LambdaWorld, and Foo Café.

Lufoss 2016 #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

Lufoss Scholarships December 2015

Student Scholarship 10.000 SEK

Mateo Gianolio is a Lund University student. Since 2014 he has managed to capture the interests of  others developers, and many have contributed to his creations. Mateo has, among other things, developed a library of linear algebra, a chat client with built-in encryption and libraries with neural network for character recognition.

Organisation Award 2 x 5.000 SEK

Pink Programming represented by its co-founder Vanja Tufvesson
Pink Programming works long term to broaden recruitment to remedy the shortage of developers in general and female developers in particular. Vanja Tufvesson shares open examples and exercises that make it easy to get started with programming.

Code@LTH represented by its co-founder Fatima Abou Alpha
Code @ LTH promotes the pleasures of coding and open-source software and helps engineers get started with a code portfolio on GitHub. Fatima has helped to launch the Code@LTH organisation and also helped children learn to program at Lund University's Science Center Vattenhallen. She has also taught new immigrants in programming in Rosengård, Malmö. Currently Fatima is working to arrange a meeting with the Association DataTjej, while she also is a teaching assistant in programming at LTH.

PhD Student Award 5.000 SEK

Pierre Moreau is a PhD student in computer graphics at the department of computer science at Lund University. Pierre has contributed to the Linux kernel with important bug fixes in a graphics driver. Pierre is also contributing to a library for utilizing graphic processors to do heavy parallel computations.

Lufoss Scholars May 2015

Student Scholarship 10.000 SEK

Erik Bjäreholt won the LUFOSS student award. Through his broad engagement with open source  he has showed how everyone with coding competence can contribute in both large and small to both pet projects and major global coding communities.

PhD Student Scholarship 5.000 SEK

Jesper Öqvist, who won the LUFOSS graduate student award, has developed the  minecraft renderer Chunky, which can automatically generate high-resolution images from the player's own minecraft world. The renderer has quickly become popular among minecraft players who want to make pictures of their own worlds. Chunky has over 150 000 downloads! Jesper is also a development manager for the Java compiler JastAddJ, which is easy to expand and is used in programming language research. Jesper Öqvist is a doctoral student in computer science at Lund University.

Newly Graduated Engineer 5.000 SEK

Jacob Burenstam won the LUFOSS newly graduated engineer award. Jacob now works as a developer at Trialbee, but is also the founder of Studiepoolen.se. Jacob is actively contributing to the bitcoin community where he is responsible for the translation into Swedish. Jacob is also the creator of the git-story project, which simplifies the git workflow and helps git beginners to get started.

Sidansvarig: Jonas.Wisbrant@cs.lth.se | 2019-09-10