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LUCAS-day 2014 as part of the grand opening of Mobile Heights Center. Full program available!
Reports of unusable IT systems are commonplace, and the latest of a long line is the police service’s new PUST system. Hundreds of millions of kronor are spent developing systems that eventually are canceled due to occupational safety and health issues. Why is it so hard to commission and develop these systems? Are there any good examples of ones that do what they set out to? Are the public procurement regulations to blame, is the technology inadequate, or do the users simply not know what they want? This year's LUCAS Day will focus on software procurement, taking an open-minded approach to discussions about potential causes and solutions to the issue. Perhaps we can even identify possible new areas of research on the topic. As is customary, we will also present current research and results from the software research projects at LTH.

Details and seat reservation at:www.lth.se/lucasdagen2014

Sidansvarig: Jonas.Wisbrant@cs.lth.se | 2018-11-12