The Energy Transition Profile Area Lunch Seminar: Experiences from Evolution Road

Join us for an upcoming lunch seminar with the Energy Transition Profile Area, where Per Löfberg, former project manager for Evolution Road and currently Senior Project Manager at Elonroad, will share insights into the process, people, results, and future of the company.
Evolution Road was a full-scale test of Elonroad’s charging technology, conducted in Lund on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration. Electrification at scale is still in its early days, but the challenges and opportunities identified by Elonroad and LTH years ago are now becoming increasingly relevant. Dynamic and automatic charging may hold the key to overcoming major obstacles in the transition.
About Evolution Road
Evolution Road was a demonstration project testing electric road technology in an urban setting. The project explored how dynamic and automatic charging can support sustainable transportation and reduce reliance on large batteries. The results from Evolution Road have contributed to the ongoing development of Elonroad’s technology and its potential role in the broader electrification of transport.
Take the opportunity to join us on March 28 to learn more about the project, its findings, and what lies ahead for Elonroad. This is also a great chance to network with other members of the profile area.
Learn more about Elonroad here.
About the lunch seminar and how to register:
We will offer a light lunch and coffee, available from 11:45, but don’t forget to register! Please register by emailing Cecilia Schubert, cecilia.schubert@science.lu.se March 25. The seminar starts at 12:15 until 13:00, and will be held in English, in Teknodromen, at the M-house.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
This lunch seminar is primarily for members of the profile area, but interested researchers at LTH working on related topics are also very welcome!
Om händelsen
2025-03-28 11:45
Teknodromen, M-huset, Lund