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Current Lise Meitner professors

Who are the Lise Meitner professors? Here you will find brief information about LTH’s current Lise Meitner professors.

Nadia Ansini | Centre for Mathematical Sciences

Nadia Ansini’s area of expertise is multiscale problems in mathematical materials science. Her body of work focuses on the derivation of a rigorous mathematical justification of macroscopic energy.

Carolyn Beck | Dapartment of Automatic Control

Carolyn Beck’s research is focused on analysis and control of dynamic systems evolving over networks, with applications to epidemic processes, including infectious disease spread and financial risk contagion, and to energy systems. Carolyn Beck starts in August 2025.

Klara Bolander Laksov | Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) – Genombrottet

Klara Bolander Laksov is very involved in the work of The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF), where she is an executive member of the expert group for higher education pedagogical issues.

Milena Corredig | Department of Process and Life Science Engineering

Milena Corredig is a leading researcher at Aarhus University, Denmark, in the field of food structures. She is also a key member of Northern Lights on Food (NLF). Milena’s research focuses on the design of food structures by linking biochemistry with processing and materials science.

Codina Cotar | Centre for Mathematical Sciences

Codina Cotar is a researcher in probability theory, mathematical physics and analysis, with impactful works in these fields. Her work connects powerful mathematical techniques to important topics of research in physics, chemistry and engineering. Codina Cotar starts in January 2025.

Regina Dittmann | Department of Physics – Division of Solid State Physics

Regina Dittmann is Deputy Director at the Research Center in Jülich and Professor at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule in Aachen, the Technical University of Aachen. She is a well-known expert on thin oxide films and memristive devices for non-volatile computer memories and neuromorphic computing applications.

Maria Giuseppina Limongelli | Department of Building and Environmental Technology – Division of Structural Engineering

Maria Giuseppina Limongelli's areas of expertise are Structural and seismic health monitoring, Vibration based damage identification methods, and Dynamic behaviour of dissipating devices for seismic isolation.

Petra Maier | Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences

Petra Maier’s vocation is Materials and Production Engineering. She is teaching Materials Science, Lightweight Materials and Biomaterials to Mechanical Engineering-, Business Engineering- and Simulation Design students.

Kathleen Murphy | Department of Building and Environmental Technology – Division of Water Resources Engineering

Kathleen Murphy’s research specialisation is the application of fluorescence spectroscopy for tracking the source, fate, and biogeochemical processing of natural organic matter (NOM) in water.

Nønne Prisle | Department of Physics

Nønne Prisle is professor in Atmospheric Science at University of Oulu, Finland, where she leads the Center for Atmospheric Research (ATMOS). Her field of scientific expertise is nanoscale aerosol particles and their chemical and microphysical properties, focusing on understanding the interactions of atmospheric nanoparticles with water and their climate effects.

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