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Sustainable student life

Research green transport alternatives to minimise the impact of your travel to Lund.

Did you know that Lund is only 50 minutes with train from Copenhagen in Denmark?

  • Lund is easily accessible by train from several European destinations. Via Copenhagen the city is connected to the rest of Europe with great railway services.
  • There are cheap bus/coach services from a number of cities in Europe with direct lines to Malmö and Lund.

Lund University - Visit Lund University with train, bus and ferry


Tips for a sustainable daily life

Small changes in your everyday life can add up to a more sustainable lifestyle. Consider adopting some of the habits below to make a positive difference. These tips are for inspiration only – focus on what's right and manageable for you.

Lund University - Tips for a sustainable student life


Be the change - lead a sustainable life

Do you want to play an active role in sustainability issues? Getting involved with a sustainability-focused student organisation or other local initiative is a great way to do so.

As a student, there are many ways to get involved in different aspects of sustainability and live a more sustainable student life. Join (or start) a student organisation focused on sustainability, attend events and find out what you can do as an individual.

Student associations involved in sustainability

Page Manager: | 2024-07-16