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Master's programmes in English

Student laughing. Photo: Johan Persson

Master’s programmes, also known as graduate programmes, build upon the knowledge developed during bachelor’s-level studies. At LTH we offer 19 two-year international Master's programmes, all of which build on a broad research base. We are world-leading in a number of fields, including electronics for wireless communication, food probiotics, disaster risk management, and water resources engineering.

LTH also participate in 5 European joint Master's programmes together with prestigious partner univeristies. These programmes offer generous scholarships to talented students.

Two-year Master's degree programmes (120 credits)

Below links will direct you to Lund University's website:

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's programmes

European Joint Master's programmes

Study programmes taught in Swedish

At LTH we have many programmes and courses held in Swedish within Engineering, Architecture, and Industrial Design.

To apply and be admitted to programmes thaught in Swedish, international students must have passed the Swedish language test TISUS (Test in Swedish for University Studies).

Information on our Swedish study programmes (in Swedish)


Du som svensktalande student är också välkommen att läsa ett internationellt masterprogram.

Information om masterprogram (på svenska) 

Lund University in rankings

#1 Choice in Sweden for international students
#3 Sustainability (QS)
#62 Most international (THE)
#75/#95 In the world (QS/THE)
#12 In the EU (QS)

Page Manager: | 2020-08-27