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News | LTH Profile Areas

13 July 2022

How should we collaborate on a national strategy for semiconductors? The answer could be closer than we think. After the panel discussion during “Politics Week” in Almedalen, Lund University is now taking the first step towards establishing a national competence centre for semiconductors.

7 July 2022

Many cars on our roads are powered by electricity – and there will be more. The use of electric cars is an important element in the transition to a fossil fuel-free society, but this sets high requirements for battery technology and smart charging solutions. Electric roads could be a way forward according to Mats Alaküla, researcher at Lund [...]

28 June 2022

When you take a dip in a Swedish lake, it is not unusual to find you cannot see the lake bottom. Lake water coloured brown by organic material can be an inconvenience for swimming tourists, but mainly causes problems for the ecosystem and drinking water. Focusing on Lake Bolmen, researchers, public authorities and local organisations are now [...]

7 June 2022

Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering, LTH, is now launching profile areas for its collective excellence in research. The areas are interdisciplinary and will contribute to increased collaboration with business and industry as well as wider society. Seven themes form the profile areas: aerosols, circular construction industry, energy transition, [...]

2 June 2022

After a trip from Portugal, the new exposure chambers have arrived in Lund. LTH’s aerosol and climate scientists welcome the lab delivery with great expectations and are getting ready for a four-week construction project.

2 June 2022

For the first time in two years, Lund University will be in Visby for Almedalen Week. In times of crisis and war, such democratic meeting places are more important than ever.

31 May 2022

Our Future City is Lund University's contribution to H22 City Expo, organised by the City of Helsingborg between 30 May and 3 July. As part of Our Future City, LTH researchers will share knowledge on how e-commerce can be conducted with a good environmental conscience, on how wastewater can support sustainability as well as the question of whether [...]

30 May 2022

Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM), the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) and Sparbanken Skåne are founding a joint centre for sustainable enterprising at Lund University. Together, they are investing more than SEK 50 million in the centre, which will start welcoming new doctoral students across a variety of research [...]

24 May 2022

If you're lucky, you'll have a few moments to spare this week. Then you can visit the LTH architecture students' annual exhibition and get a glimpse of how, and by whom, tomorrow’s built environments will be designed.

13 May 2022

We all know that when it burns, it smokes. But what do we really know about the contents of that smoke and how it is affected by different fire processes? Not only that, how do these smoke particles affect the emergency personnel who are first on the scene? Researchers at LTH, in a unique experiment with the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency [...]