Conference: Unlock the future of industrial design with AI

How is the industrial design profession affected by Artificial Intelligence, AI? How will AI be integrated into products? How do we address the supply of skills in this area?
Welcome to an inspiring afternoon with discussions about how industrial design might be revolutionized by AI.
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Designing Intelligence
Carol Khoury, Industrial Designer and Lecturer at Coventry University, specializing in AI-integrated design
Carol Khoury challenges the narrow focus on generative AI tools in design, exploring AI as a collaborative companion while addressing misconceptions and showcasing its untapped potential in shaping the future of design. Connect with Carol Khoury on LinkedIn: Carol Khoury | LinkedIn
CASE STUDIES: Learn from real-world applications in industry
- How generative AI is shaping the design process
Aleks Tatic, design professional and part of the Red Dot Jury - Hands-on AI for industrial design: ComfyUI, LoRas, Open-Source and Online AI platforms
Stefan Sotra, designer and AI developer at Thule - How can generative design aid in developing more sustainable products?
Axel Nordin, Senior Lecturer, Innovation, Lund University - Above’s response to AI technology
Casper Asmussen, Chief Creative Officer & Co-Founder of ABOVE
PANEL DISCUSSION: Discussions around authorship, ethical considerations, bias in AI-generated designs, and sustainability considerations.
The conference is designed for professionals and academics who are passionate about the future of industrial design, offering insights into how AI is reshaping the design process and product development.
The conference participants will:
- Discover innovation – Hear from industry leaders and advanced users who are harnessing the power of AI to transform design processes in real-world projects.
- Stay ahead of the curve – Gain valuable insights into cutting-edge tools and techniques that are setting new benchmarks in design creativity and efficiency.
- Network with pioneers – Connect with designers, researchers, and business leaders who are shaping the future of industrial design.
- Address challenges together – Explore the ethical and practical considerations of AI adoption in design, from authorship and sustainability to bias and usability.
The conference is moderated by Charlotte Sjödell, Senior Lecturer in Industrial design at Lund University with a particular focus on creative processes and AI within industrial design.
Practical information about the conference
Date and time: May 7, 2025, at 13.00 -17.00
Place: Level Two, The LOOP, Science Village, Brunnshög, Lund, Sweden
Fee: 1 000 SEK
Language: The conference is held in English.
Registration: Unlock the Future of Industrial Design with AI: Participant Unlock the Future of Industrial Design with AI 7 May 2025
Register before: 2025-05-05
Do you have any questions?
Please contact Charlotte Sjödell, Senior Lecturer in Industrial Design at Lund University and one of the conference organizers
Om händelsen
2025-05-07 13:00
Level Two, The LOOP, Science Village, Brunnshög, Lund, Sweden