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News | LTH Profile Area: Aerosols

18 July 2023

A lab where you can “craft” new materials on the atomic level, bringing together cross-disciplinary scientists to produce nanomaterials and semiconductor components. A neighborhood with major research infrastructures, complementary to each other. And most important: an open environment where academia, industry, and society can meet and collaborate, [...]

21 June 2023

The LU tent will soon be raised in Visby for two days of panel discussions. The University’s programme for Almedalen Week highlights the global challenges we are facing – such as air pollution and food poverty. However, the programme also inspires hope of finding solutions in external engagement between academia and society at large.

30 May 2023

Nanoparticles can be used to discover illness in the lungs. The method of measurement – based on inhaling particles – is easy to use and could serve as a complement to other lung examinations. The method has now been tested on more than 800 people, and the results look promising, according to a new thesis on aerosol technology at the Faculty of [...]

5 May 2023

ACTRIS is a state-of-the-art European research infrastructure within atmospheric science. The European Commission has now decided to establish ACTRIS ERIC – a consortium for research infrastructures linked to aerosols, clouds and reactive trace gases in order to increase knowledge about climate change and air pollution. The consortium includes 17 [...]

16 August 2022

The Sparbanksstiftelsen Färs and Frosta awards the Sparbanken Skåne Prize to a new doctor at LTH for particularly outstanding doctoral thesis. In 2022, the prize will be awarded to Louise Green for her thesis in the subject of Aerosol Technology.

7 June 2022

Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering, LTH, is now launching profile areas for its collective excellence in research. The areas are interdisciplinary and will contribute to increased collaboration with business and industry as well as wider society. Seven themes form the profile areas: aerosols, circular construction industry, energy transition, [...]

2 June 2022

After a trip from Portugal, the new exposure chambers have arrived in Lund. LTH’s aerosol and climate scientists welcome the lab delivery with great expectations and are getting ready for a four-week construction project.

13 May 2022

We all know that when it burns, it smokes. But what do we really know about the contents of that smoke and how it is affected by different fire processes? Not only that, how do these smoke particles affect the emergency personnel who are first on the scene? Researchers at LTH, in a unique experiment with the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency [...]

13 May 2022

The risk of being exposed to Covid-19 particles increases with shorter physical distance to a patient, higher patient viral load and poor ventilation. Measurements taken by researchers at Lund University in Sweden of airborne virus in hospitals provide new knowledge about how best to adapt healthcare to reduce the risk of spread of infection. [...]