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Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science employs over 70 people. The subject of computer science covers nearly all aspects of computer programmes and programming, or software as it is also called.

Courses are given for the LTH programmes in Computer Science, Engineering Physics, Information and Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Engineering Mathematics.

Website of the Department of Computer Science

Overview of research groups:


In Algorithms, efficient computer programmes are designed and analysed from a theoretical perspective. The basic components are thus data structures (where data is stored) and algorithms that govern the calculations. Research is directed towards algorithms for basic computer scientific problems.

Keywords: computational geometry, data structures, graph algorithms, computational biology, searching and sorting

More information about the research group Algorithms

Computer Graphics

The research group working in Computer Graphics develops new algorithms for creating images from descriptions in three dimensions. Attention is focused on computer graphics for hand-held devices such as mobile phones, hand-held computers (tablets) and computer games.

Keywords: mobile graphics, graphics cards, shading languages, collision detection

Website of the research group Computer Graphics

Embedded Systems Design

Researchers working on Embedded Systems Design are analysing how hardware and software work together in various applications. Built-in systems can be found in e.g. aeroplanes, cars and home electronics.

Keywords: system analysis and system modelling, constraint programming, parameter estimation, compilation techniques, distributed systems, real-time systems, system modelling and analyiss, optimization methods

Website of the research group Embedded Systems Design

Robotics and Semantic Systems

Research is conducted in artificial intelligence, natural language processing, software for robotics and automation, real-time programming.

Keywords: autonomous agents, artificial intelligence, AI, intelligent systems, representation of knowledge, inductive learning, intelligent robots

Website of the research group Robotics and Semantic Systems

Software Development and Environments

Software Development and Environments is concerned with the field of programming as a whole; from the design of programming languages, analysis of the programme, and its execution in a computer, to actual programming, i.e. the use of a programming language to write a problem-solving programme. Research is centred around a number of core areas in software development support, with central themes of integrated environments, object-oriented languages and embedded systems such as industrial robots and mobile phones. Research is focused on the implementation and development of theory which is of practical relevance. 

Keywords: aspect orientation, object orientation, computer linguistics, computer programmes, extreme programming, compilation techniques, configuration management, programming, programming languages, software architecture, built-in systems, real-time systems, robot programming, industrial robots

Website of the research group Software Development and Environments

Software Engineering

Software Engineering focuses on the development of computer programmes and software products. Different methods are being investigated through case studies and surveys on companies, as well as experiments. Empirical studies of software development, requirements management, software quality, verification and validation.

Keywords: computer programmes, specification management for software systems, programming, software, software engineering, system architecture, system security, system development, process improvement, process support tools, quality systems, testing of software systems, quality assurance of software systems

Website of the research group Software Engineering

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