4D Imaging Lab
The 4D Imaging lab at Lund University is specialised in 3D and 4D x-ray imaging of a wide variety of materials and sample types. We provide a variety of solutions for x-ray tomography of samples of different sizes and in different environments.
Our two tomographs offer the possibility to rapidly image larger samples or perform more in-depth high resolution investigations of smaller objects.
The facilities are located at the Division of Solid Mechanics on the LTH campus.

In-house expertise
The staff at the 4D Imaging Lab have many years expertise in the use of x-ray tomography to address a wide range of research challenges from materials, food and energy sciences to geology, paleontology and cultural heritage. Our own research focuses primarily on material science applications (granular materials, rocks and soils, metals, fibre (paper materials), polymers), but we support and collaborate with researchers from across many disciplines in academia, industry and the public sector (including, for example, working with museum collections).
Our high-resolution 3D X-ray microscope (Zeiss XRM520), allows for spatial resolution down to 700 nm and a field of view up to 6 cm. Samples and sample environments up to 15 kg can be scanned and polycrystalline structures can be studied using diffraction contrast tomography. Our micro X-ray tomograph (RX Solutions EasyTom150) allows for imaging of large samples, with a size up to 35 cm x 45 cm, and a tomography acquisition time down to about 10 seconds. Both tomographs are equipped with accompanying software for image reconstruction, visualisation and data quantification.
Different sample environments can be used together with the tomographs to perform in-situ testing during various sample conditions. Examples includes pressure cells, fluid flow, uniaxial compression or tension, and vacuum testing.
Typical users
Researchers, companies, institutions and museums.
User skill requirements
Most imaging is performed with one of our expert users, either with “mail-in” samples or with the user at the lab. Some users may be trained to make measurements independently after a short introduction and after following the Lund University radiation safety training course.
Information about the lab fees and lab access is available upon request
Insurance & safety
All users must have insurance to use the lab and users are advised on safety aspects by the supporting staff with independent use only possible after the training described above.
Contact information
Stephen Hall
Division of Solid Mechanics, LTH
E-mail: stephen.hall@solid.lth.se
The location of the lab is in the M-building on the LTH campus.