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29 September 2023

Protein researcher Mikael Akke has been showered with grants recently: a total in excess of SEK 130 million from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the European Research Council. But who is the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) professor whose research is so hot right now?

25 September 2023

Lund University has a tradition of awarding its gold medal to express appreciation for commitment shown to the institution. The medal was awarded for the first time in 1967. Lund University's vice-chancellor Erik Renström, has decided to award this medal to Professor Anne L'Huillier from the Faculty of Engineering (LTH).

25 September 2023

DEAN'S BLOG. We can now strengthen our contribution towards the green transition through research, external engagement and educating more engineers, writes the Dean of LTH Annika Olsson in view of the news that the Government wants to invest in education and research to strengthen Sweden’s engineering prowess.

22 September 2023

A great overview of the plastic system, an interesting inclusion of industry perspectives, and incredibly well planned! These are just some of the positive comments on the recent summer school on sustainable plastics organised by the research programme STEPS, which is led by researchers from LTH. It gathered 30 participants, students with different [...]

20 September 2023

Ice sheets, snow and the ocean as far as the eye can see. No shipping vessels or people in sight, and only polar bears for company. The icebreaker Oden sails between Svalbard and Greenland, and this spring, doctoral student Lovisa Nilsson joined the ship to study the transition from winter to summer in the Arctic, and how soot affects the melting [...]

19 September 2023

Through an interdisciplinary research project in collaboration with industry, a group of researchers hope to identify a more efficient way of assessing the ground ahead of future construction projects. The results of the research might, for example, accelerate the process of modernising the Swedish rail network.

19 September 2023

He has arrived – the holder of the Jubilee Professorship donated to LTH by the Eliasson Family Foundation for the Development of Good Building Culture.

13 September 2023

Around one thousand Swedes could be spared from a hip fracture each year if a new method to identify the risk of osteoporotic fractures were to be introduced in healthcare. This is the view of the researchers at Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering (LTH) who are behind a new 3D-simulation method. The results were recently published in the [...]

7 September 2023

Vinnova is investing in eleven new Centres of Excellence in areas that are important for sustainable industry and digital social transition. Four of these will be led from the Faculty of Engineering (LTH).

30 August 2023

LTH is a place for dreams and discoveries, and one of our strengths is that we all have different backgrounds, writes Annika Olsson, Dean of LTH.

21 June 2023

The LU tent will soon be raised in Visby for two days of panel discussions. The University’s programme for Almedalen Week highlights the global challenges we are facing – such as air pollution and food poverty. However, the programme also inspires hope of finding solutions in external engagement between academia and society at large.

21 June 2023

Lund University has proved to be the most successful of all Swedish universities within the European Innovation Council’s support for new and pioneering technology. Since the first call for applications was announced in 2021, Lund University has been awarded funding for seven projects, of which five belong to the Faculty of Engineering (LTH). A new [...]

8 June 2023

DEAN'S BLOG. Today we miss out on students who have good grades, competence and capacity but lack a tradition of university studies in their families, writes Annika Olsson, Dean of LTH.

30 May 2023

Nanoparticles can be used to discover illness in the lungs. The method of measurement – based on inhaling particles – is easy to use and could serve as a complement to other lung examinations. The method has now been tested on more than 800 people, and the results look promising, according to a new thesis on aerosol technology at the Faculty of [...]

24 May 2023

On Wednesday, May 24th, it is time for 250 graduates to receive their diplomas from the Dean's hand at the solemn graduation ceremony at the University House auditorium. During the ceremony, which will be live-streamed on the web, the Karl-Erik Sahlberg Scholarship will also be awarded for outstanding thesis work.