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5 February 2018

Researcher Jesper Wallentin at the Department of Physics at Lund University in Sweden has received a grant of approximately SEK 15 million for a research project on the ability of nanowires to act as detectors for X-ray radiation. If successfully developed, this technology could enable X-rays of single cells, for example.

17 January 2018

Sunday 28 January 2018 will mark the end of Lund University’s 350th anniversary celebrations, exactly 350 years since the University’s inauguration. The event will be a kick-off for the future, full of activities, music, solemn ceremonies and a dinner. All those interested are welcome, but please note that some activities require registration. All [...]

18 December 2017

Lund University is the first and only university in Sweden to give these career courses for PostDocs and PhD students. There is still time to sign up!

5 December 2017

Using data from over a billion stars, a research team at Lund University in Sweden are developing an interactive 3D model of the Milky Way galaxy. This could enable new types of discoveries that aren’t possible with current tools - perhaps even unraveling how the Milky Way was formed.

24 November 2017

Developments in quantum technology and artificial intelligence, AI, are predicted to transform research, as well as business and society as a whole. The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation is awarding a total of SEK 1.6 billion over ten years to these promising fields, in two separate research projects involving several Swedish higher education [...]

14 November 2017

In a unique experiment, researchers have clocked how long it takes for an electron to be emitted from an atom. The result is 0.000 000 000 000 000 02 seconds, or 20 billionths of a billionth of a second. The researchers’ stopwatch consists of extremely short laser pulses. Hopefully, the results will help to provide new insights into some of the [...]

27 October 2017

In recent years, electric roads have emerged as potential alternatives to the heavy and expensive batteries currently needed in electric road vehicles. Now researchers at Lund University in Sweden have developed an even smarter technology – that doesn’t require digging up stretches of road to install the system. Instead, a small conductive rail is [...]

20 July 2017

Architect student Ludvig Hofsten wanted to address the issues of rising sea levels and plastic waste in the ocean. He designed Villa Nemo, a project that sees the potential of living on water in the future; with both lifestyle and environmental benefits.

8 June 2017

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have developed a method which determines not only whether a chemical or substance is allergenic, but also how strong its potential for causing hypersensitivity is. This will aid in the establishment of so-called threshold values – or how much of a substance is safe to use in a product. Until now, the only [...]

30 May 2017

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have developed a method which determines not only whether a chemical or substance is allergenic, but also how strong its potential for causing hypersensitivity is. This will aid in the establishment of so-called threshold values – or how much of a substance is safe to use in a product. Until now, the only [...]

23 May 2017

Thursday 1 June you are welcome to listen to the LTH Honorary Doctors of 2017 in V-huset.

16 May 2017

Global Swede 2017 recipient Rajeshwari Yogi with Ann Linde, the Swedish Minister for EU Affairs and Trade

2 May 2017

Forget high-speed cameras capturing 100 000 images per second. A research group at Lund University in Sweden has developed a camera that can film at a rate equivalent to five trillion images per second, or events as short as 0.2 trillionths of a second. This is faster than has previously been possible.

22 April 2017

The science week entitled “The Digital Society”, 24–30 April, aims at creating interaction between digital technology and different aspects of society. The public is invited to an exciting week to discuss where technology is headed, how it affects us and how we can control its development.

28 March 2017

A bracelet with a unique ”panic grip” - featuring a built-in mobile phone and GPS system - has been developed by a former industrial design student at Lund University in Sweden. The device doesn’t require a base station in your home.