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20 December 2023

Now, the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics has finally been officially celebrated at LTH. 700 LTH students, employees, and specially invited guests together created a joyous Nobel euphoria throughout Kårhuset.

8 November 2023

Ten researchers within the profile area Engineering Health at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, receives grants from the Swedish Research Council (VR), FORMAS, Stiftelsen för Bistånd, and the Future Innovation Award.

11 August 2023

Transistors that can change properties are important elements in the development of tomorrow’s semiconductors. With standard transistors approaching the limit for how small they can be, having more functions on the same number of units becomes increasingly important in enabling the development of small, energy-efficient circuits for improved memory [...]

9 August 2023

NanoLundians Roger Olsson, professor of chemical biology and therapeutics, and Martin Hjort, researcher in chemical biology and therapeutics, have together with researchers at Gothenburg University successfully developed temporary, organic electrodes that can be seamlessly integrated into biological systems. The method, now published in Nature [...]

21 July 2023

LTH student Oliver Belfiore, majoring in Mechanical Engineering, has been awarded the 2023 scholarship from the Society of Swedish Engineers in Great Britain for "his passion for technology, design, motorsport, and his technical skills."

18 July 2023

A lab where you can “craft” new materials on the atomic level, bringing together cross-disciplinary scientists to produce nanomaterials and semiconductor components. A neighborhood with major research infrastructures, complementary to each other. And most important: an open environment where academia, industry, and society can meet and collaborate, [...]

22 June 2023

For 2023, the Sahlberg scholarship is awarded to Marshall Ringisayi Machingauta for his thesis ”Development and characterization of an eco-friendly cosmeceutical formulation with optimal performance”. Marshall studied at the Master's programme in Drug Technology: Research, Development, and Production. He is now doing his PhD at Kemicentrum.

19 June 2023

The international conference EuroNanoForum 2023, funded by the EU and Vinnova, and organized by us at NanoLund together with Chalmers, brought together leading scientists, innovators, and policymakers from Europe, USA, and China to discuss groundbreaking research and foster collaboration. It gathered almost 400 participants, including the Swedish [...]

7 June 2023

Reconfigurable transistors are key elements in the development of future semiconductors. As conventional transistors approach the limit of how small they can become, more functions in the same number of units will become increasingly important in developing small and energy-efficient circuits for better memories and more powerful computers.

31 May 2023

LTH's visiting professor in architecture, Sandi Hilal, recently received the prestigious Golden Lion award at the Venice Architecture Biennale. At LTH, she works on developing artistic research within architecture with Lise Meitner funds.

19 January 2023

Professor Jan Olhager, Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences has been designated as Fellow by the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) at the DSI 2022 Annual Conference held in Houston, TX, in November.

16 August 2022

The Sahlberg Scholarship for 2022 has been awarded to Abdallah Almashhrawi.

16 August 2022

The Sparbanksstiftelsen Färs and Frosta awards the Sparbanken Skåne Prize to a new doctor at LTH for particularly outstanding doctoral thesis. In 2022, the prize will be awarded to Louise Green for her thesis in the subject of Aerosol Technology.

5 July 2022

In connection with LTH's graduation ceremony, the Sparbanksstiftelsen Färs and Frosta awards two Master's prizes of SEK 25,000 each for particularly outstanding degree projects in the field of sustainable development. One of the two prizes was awarded to Livia Westerhout, Master's Programme in Food Technology and Nutrition, for her thesis: [...]

5 July 2022

Hiba Alyaseen and Rebecka Kvist are praised for lessons learned from the collapse of Tarfalahallen.