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12 November 2015

The Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University is the first higher education institution in Sweden to make the programming language Scala the beginner language on the introductory course in programming, on the MSc programme in Computer Science and Engineering.

12 November 2015

An EU-funded research project is to make sausages, patties and other meat products healthier in the future. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and four other European research institutions have launched a joint project to reduce the risk of colon cancer – the most common cancer of the [...]

10 November 2015

Award winning designer Stefan Diez is a new visiting professor at the School of Industrial Design at Lund University, teaching on the international Master's programme.

30 October 2015

Researchers from the MAPCI research institute in Lund have developed a new solution for making Wi-Fi networks more efficient in highly dense environments. The solution is a new backoff scheme and will be presented at an academic conference in December.

28 October 2015

September was a month full of travel. It started with a meeting about ESS in Bilbao, where I represented Lund University. There is plenty going on with ESS right now, and it’s high time for a strategic collaboration – not just at Lund University, but also on a national level! The following week it was off to Graz for a conference (ESSCIRC) within [...]

8 October 2015

Premature babies, born before 30 weeks of pregnancy, often need help breathing in order to survive. X-ray is currently used to diagnose the condition of the lungs, but the technology involves risks and X-ray images can only be taken occasionally.

30 September 2015

Lund University has climbed from #119 to #90 in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2015-2016 out today.

29 September 2015

Neurons thrive and grow in a new type of nanowire material developed by researchers in Nanophysics and Ophthalmology at Lund University in Sweden. In time, the results might improve both neural and retinal implants, and reduce the risk of them losing their effectiveness over time, which is currently a problem.

25 September 2015

Many interesting talks and spontaneous meetings took place at the Lund Circuit Design Workshop at Grand Hotel in Lund, hosted by the Vinnova Industrial Excellence Center in System Design on Silicon (SoS) and by the SSF-projects DISTRANT and DARE. EITs own researchers delivered new findings in different research fields and we also heard inspiring [...]

21 September 2015

Last Friday Akademiska Hus hosted an opening ceremony for the new decks down at the campus lake “sjön Sjön”. I have to say it looks fantastic. Thank you! Along with Helsingkrona’s new building, it feels like the engineering campus has been given a considerable face lift. In my short speech during the ceremony I mentioned that back when I started at [...]

4 September 2015

Kent Ngo, one of the Lund University engineering students who founded FoPo Food Powder, talks about the product and how their studies have helped them launch their own business. WATCH: Interview with FoPo founder Kent Ngo

3 September 2015

The Max IV facility, set to become the brightest x-ray source in the world, and the world’s first ‘fourth generation’ particle accelerator, has reached a major milestone. The accelerator group has now succeeded in directing the electron beam all the way around the large 3 GeV ring for the first time. “This is of course fantastically exciting and [...]

1 September 2015

It’s wonderful to see the engineering campus full of life again! Last week we had the pleasure of welcoming all of our new students at the Faculty of Engineering LTH. As I left for the Union Building shortly before 8am last Monday morning, the atmosphere outside the lecture theatre was thick with anticipation and excitement. The week prior we [...]

28 July 2015

LUracing has been successful with its new racing car at Silverstone. Students from the Faculty of Engineering LTH came in 8th place out of approximately 100 cars built by students. Lund University finished in fourth place among the petrol-fuelled cars. The LTH team also won a prize - Innovation in propulsion systems - awarded by Jaguar Land Rover.  [...]

23 July 2015

How does a student straight out of upper secondary school manage the difficult studies which await at a Faculty of Engineering? One of the answers to this question is spelt SI; it is an academic support programme which aims to counteract drop-out rates and help new university students to acquire a better study strategy. SI has been available at [...]