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13 May 2022

The risk of being exposed to Covid-19 particles increases with shorter physical distance to a patient, higher patient viral load and poor ventilation. Measurements taken by researchers at Lund University in Sweden of airborne virus in hospitals provide new knowledge about how best to adapt healthcare to reduce the risk of spread of infection. [...]

5 May 2022

The new Lund University Agenda 2030 Award wants to promote innovative and interdisciplinary research on sustainable development by early career scholars at the university. Alexandra Nikoleris is the first winner and is praised for her innovative work in designing creative and sustainable future scenarios.

11 April 2022

DEAN'S BLOG. The need for technical skills is growing in line with the re-establishment of industry in Sweden, and as a result of industry's transformation in areas such as sustainable development and digitalisation. Therefore, it is imperative that all young people, regardless of background and gender, see the opportunities in the future [...]

6 April 2022

The new UN climate report shows that the zero emissions goal for 2050 is achievable. However, it will require major changes in all sectors – not least in industry, which currently accounts for a large proportion of global emissions. The researchers identified several sustainable paths forward, but some sectors – above all in plastics and chemicals [...]

4 April 2022

Mathematics Professor Kalle Åström studies the future of agriculture with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). He develops mathematical models to optimise harvests and contribute to climate-friendly agriculture.

31 March 2022

In connection with a new report on measures to mitigate climate change, researchers at Lund University in Sweden see some hopeful signs. Among other things, Lars J Nilsson, Professor of Environmental and Energy Systems at Lund University, thinks there are good prospects for achieving zero emissions by 2050 in industries such as steel, cement, and [...]

30 March 2022

When the pandemic broke out, the aerosol researchers at LTH got a new virus to study. Work on winter vomiting virus, influenza and RS viruses was put on the back burner – now it was important to quickly get an overview of the airborne properties of the coronavirus.

29 March 2022

One of the 15 appointed experts of the newly minted European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change is LTH professor Lars J Nilsson. The board will independently review the EU's climate work, and provide advice on appropriate climate measures and goals.

22 March 2022

DEAN'S BLOG. I hope that everyone at LTH will be able to meet more in the spring and do good things for each other and to benefit the world. That we make a stand for democracy and help those who need security and compassionate support, writes Dean of LTH Annika Olsson in a letter to LTH’s students.

5 March 2022

Drugs that go directly to the lungs and are used to treat respiratory diseases have been a Swedish success story. The hope is that even more research findings and innovations can follow. Since research on inhalation technology was embarked upon at LTH, industry has had access to more engineers with vital competencies in such technology for [...]

24 February 2022

Can business models be easier to understand if they are developed collectively in the workplace? “Yes”, says Kajsa Ahlgren Ode, innovation researcher at LTH, who has developed a tool for business model innovation. The aim is to help companies, with a particular focus on energy companies, to make their business models more understandable – an [...]

22 February 2022

In Lund you can find world-leading research in circuit design, new materials and algorithms that utilize the properties of semiconductor components. Here you can also find a strong infrastructure for basic research and new innovations, together with close co-operation with industry. For LTH and Lund University, this means an opportunity to be an [...]

21 February 2022

DEAN'S BLOG. If the government and the major research funding bodies can agree on making further and completely necessary investments in modern laboratories and testbeds for semiconductor technology and nanotechnology, for example, as well as in research environments and learning environments, Sweden can take advantage of the unique opportunity [...]

8 February 2022

The Wolf Prize in Physics has been awarded to Anne L'Huillier at Lund University, Paul Corkum at the University of Ottawa, and Ferenc Krausz at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics and Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. They were selected for pioneering contributions to ultrafast laser science and attosecond physics.

4 February 2022

LTH, Faculty of Engineering at Lund University and Volvo Cars have signed an agreement to strengthen existing research collaborations and identify new areas for mutual benefit and development – and in this way contribute to solutions for sustainability. The partnership focuses on five areas: electrification, wireless communications, [...]