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9 January 2015

A group of Lund University engineering students have designed a touch-free interface that enables advanced control of digital devices – simply by twisting and tapping an imaginary sphere. WATCH: Virtual sphere that controls your gadgets When Örs-Barna Blénessy and Holger Andersson met at Lund University, they were writing a lab report one day [...]

7 January 2015

Nanowires are the key to making the solar cells of the future much more efficient. Nanotechnology researchers in Lund have spent a couple of billion Swedish crowns over the past 10-15 years on academic and industrial research and development of nanowires. The wires are semiconductor rods developed with specialised technology in research [...]

16 December 2014

 The Faculty of Engineering LTH at Lund University has decided to award the honorary doctorate degrees for 2015 to Martin Gren, founder of Axis; Colin Carlile, previous MD at ESS; and Liesbet Van der Perre, electronics professor from Belgium. ”Martin Gren is a role model for entrepreneurship and leadership. He has, for example, offered numerous [...]

5 December 2014

Edouard Berrocal, a researcher in combustion physics at Lund University, has been awarded one of the most prestigious grants available to young researchers: an ERC Starting Grant. The grant is worth EUR 1.5 million and will enable him to spend the next five years investigating what happens in the crucial moment at the start of combustion when the [...]

24 November 2014

Lund University, Faculty of Engineering LTH, has until 2016 the presidency of the network Magalhães which gathers 16 leading universities in Latin America and 19 in Europe. The network aims to strengthen collaboration in education and research in engineering and architecture between the continents. LTH co-founded the network in 2005. The network [...]

18 November 2014

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have discovered that sugar beets produce haemoglobin. They now hope that this haemoglobin could serve as a blood substitute – a substance that is currently in short supply.   WATCH: HOW TO PRODUCE HAEMOGLOBIN FROM SUGAR BEETS “Previously, it has been presumed that certain plants produce this iron protein [...]

4 November 2014

Mapillary, an app developed by Lund University senior lecturer Jan Erik Solem, crowdsources street view images. The company has now joined forces with OpenStreetMap, the world’s biggest free, editable map service. If you live in a small town, or have booked a vacation in a remote location, you’ve probably encountered this problem: there are no [...]

28 October 2014

Using a magnetic resonance imaging device and new mathematical methods, researchers have obtained a better tool for observing blood flow in the heart. This could make it easier to detect heart failure, which is a common problem among the elderly. The research was carried out by doctoral student Johannes Töger, who works at the Division for [...]

23 October 2014

A ’super detector’ that can track the traces of a lump of sugar in the Baltic Sea – that was the starting point for a potentially life-saving technique developed at Lund University in Sweden. The method detects toxic algae blooms in drinking water.

7 October 2014

A simple ”smart control” box invented by a PhD student at Lund University in Sweden has made it possible to connect solar panels to your boiler - without making any changes to the existing hot water system.

24 September 2014

The first live concert with a band consisting only of 3D-printed instruments has taken place at Lund University in Sweden. The band included a drum, keyboard and two guitars, all 3D-printed by Lund University professor Olaf Diegel. The band members were students at Lund University’s Malmö Academy of Music.

9 September 2014

From now on, the risk of disruption in nuclear power plants is lower, thanks to a degree project by students Anton Christensson and Erik Lingärde at the Division for Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation at Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering.

2 September 2014

Students from Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering and Blekinge Institute of Technology have helped Sony Mobile Communications to become more innovative. This happened on Sony Mobile Student Innovation Day, in Sony’s premises around the water tower in Lund, together with the cloud technology research institute, MAPCI. The purpose of the event [...]

26 August 2014

Certain cows’ milk is excellent for cheesemaking, whereas others’ is considerably less suitable. This has been shown in a new thesis from Lund University in Sweden, as part of a Swedish-Danish milk genomics initiative. The findings could possibly lead to certain cows’ milk being used entirely for cheese, and others’ milk for drinking. “No one knew [...]

26 August 2014

Fuel consumption in cars could be reduced thanks to nanowires and a thermoelectric effect. This is what emerges from the basic research conducted by Sofia Fahlvik Svensson, a doctoral student at the Division for Solid State Physics in Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering. This autumn, she will be publicly defending a thesis which presents [...]