Programme overview
During the first two semesters, the students are enrolled as a group in the common Advanced Architectural Design cluster, composed by a design studio course linked to an aligned theory course as well as an additional mandatory (first semester) or elective mandatory course (second semester).The third semester offers the student the opportunity to choose between five different clusters simultaneously with an elective mandatory course. The programme furthermore includes two preparatory research courses as elective mandatory courses of which at least one should be studied during either the second or the third semester. The fourth semester is devoted to the degree project in dialogue with one examinerand one tutor within the School of Architecture, LTH Faculty of Engineering.
The links below will direct you to the course syllabus for each course.
Semester 1
- Advanced Architectural Design I (course code AAHN02), 15 credits
- Advanced Architectural Design I Theory (AAHN25), 7.5 credits
- Architecture in Material and Detail (AAKN20), 7.5 credits
Semester 2
- Advanced Architectural Design II (AAHN06), 15 credits
- Integrated Design: Architectural Design - Structural Design (AAHN10), 7.5 credits
Together with one mandatory-elective/elective course:
- Architecture as Temporal Landscape (AFON30), 7.5 credits (mandatory-elective)
- Climate Smart Architecture and Urban Design (ABAN15), 7.5 credits (elective)
- Architecture in Material and Detail II (ABVN20), 7.5 credits (elective)
It is mandatory to study AFON30 in semester 2 or Performing Theories (AFON25) in semester 3
Semester 3
- Track 1
Dwelling and Space (AAHN40), 15 credits + Dwelling and Space, theory (AAHN45), 7.5 credits - Track 2
Urban Shelter (ABAN11), 15 credits + Urban Shelter, theory (ABAN06), 7.5 credits - Track 3
Cultural Heritage Buildings (ABVN16), 15 credits + Cultural Heritage Buildings, theory (ABVN11), 7.5 credits - Track 4
Sustainable Urban Dynamics (ASBN31), 15 credits + ASBN41 - Urban Dynamics. theory (ASBN41), 7.5 credits - Track 5
Spatial Experiments (ASEN01), 15 credits + Spatial Experiments, theory (ASEN10), 7.5 credits
Students study one of the five available tracks together with one mandatory-elective or elective course:
- Performing Theories (AFON25), 7.5 credits (mandatory-elective)
- Urban Process (ASBN36), 7.5 credits (elective)
- Light, Color and Space (ASMN01), 7.5 credits* (elective)
* former Human Environmental Frames - Building scale/Urban scale
It is mandatory to study AFON30 in semester 2 or AFON25 in semester 3
Semester 4
Master degree project in Architecture (AAHM10), 30 credits