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Interlibrary loan

If you want to borrow a book or article that is not available at Lund University's library, it can be borrowed from another library in Sweden or abroad.


Books not available at any Lund University library can be requested as interlibrary loans. However, you can only request material required for your studies or research – if you are interested in interlibrary loans for other purposes, please turn to your public library. Interlibrary loans from libraries within the Nordic countries are free of charge, but from other countries a fee will be added.

Books borrowed through interlibrary loan are picked up at your home library but can be returned at any LU-library. For E-books, other rules apply, but it is often possible to order parts or chapters from a book. 

Article copies

Article copies cost SEK 80 per article. As a student you pay in cash and pick the copies up at your home library. For LTH employees, an in-house invoice is distributed, and the article will be sent to you.

Request interlibrary loans

Log in to the interlibrary loan service using your LUCAT or student account. The first time you request an item you need to check/complete your details. The interlibrary loan service is mainly intended for articles not found in full text, or books not found in Libris.

Request interlibrary loans directly through LIBRIS

It is possible to request books (except e-books) that are not available at any of the libraries at Lund University directly through LIBRIS. For it to work, you need to create a personal library account. Items requested can then be picked up at your home library, normally within 10 days. You will be notified via e-mail when the book can be picked up at the library.

Registration order forms on Libris' website (in Swedish):

More about interlibrary loans - on the website of the National Library of Sweden

Page Manager: | 2019-05-13