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Meet the 2024 honorary doctors in science and engineering!

Porträttfoton av Naturvetenskapliga fakultetens hedersdoktorer 2024, Harriet Bulkeley och R. Michael Rich, samt LTH:s hedersdoktorer 2024, Björn Liljeqvist, Sabeth Verpoorte och Eva Lindroth.
Faculty of Science Honorary Doctors 2024 (top row): Harriet Bulkeley and R. Michael Rich, and LTH Honorary Doctors 2024 (bottom row): Björn Liljeqvist, Sabeth Verpoorte and Eva Lindroth.
From: 2024-05-30 09:30 to 11:30 Seminarium

At this year’s seminar you will learn about successful study techniques and the latest breakthroughs in the exploration of the mysteries of the Milky Way. You will gain insight into cutting-edge attosecond physics, a field that was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics last year. One of the honorary doctors talks about environmental governance with a focus on climate change, another about why science is amazing. Register here!

* Unfortunately, LTH’s honorary doctor Sabeth Verpoorte is unable to participate in the seminar *

The programme is diverse and includes this years honorary doctors from the Faculty of Science and LTH. They will generously share their knowledge and talk about what the award means to them and their work.

The honorary doctors

The stage is shared by two honorary doctors from the Faculty of Science (N) and three from LTH:

  • Harriet Bulkeley, Professor of Geography at Durham University and Utrecht University (N)
  • R. Michael Rich, professor and astronomer at the University of California Los Angeles (N)
  • Björn Liljeqvist, civil engineer, lecturer and author in study technique (LTH)
  • Sabeth Verpoorte, Professor of Analytical Chemistry at Groningen University (LTH)
  • Eva Lindroth, Professor of Theoretical Atomic Physics at Stockholm University (LTH)

The seminar is held in English. Coffee will be served between 10:20 10:30.


Please register here:

Registration form

A warm welcome!

Om händelsen
From: 2024-05-30 09:30 to 11:30

IKDC, Stora Hörsalen, Sölvegatan 26, Lund

andrea [dot] nord [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se