Dean's blog

Welcome – the world comes together at LTH!
LTH is a place for dreams and discoveries, and one of our strengths is that we all have different backgrounds, writes Annika Olsson, Dean of LTH.

A diversity of knowledge – but are we attracting everyone with the right prerequisites?
LTH should attract the talents of the future and train them to be engineers, architects, and industrial designers. Young people who have obviously been encouraged by their parents to pursue higher studies are not always the most suitable. Broadened recruitment to universities and colleges is not about lowering the requirements but rather raising [...]

Recipe for innovation and growth
To succeed in producing utilisable research and innovations that have staying power and create growth in Sweden requires free research, a long-term approach, complete knowledge environments and forward-looking venture capitalists, writes Annika Olsson, Dean of LTH.

New multifaceted knowledge, creativity and problem-solving will be needed in the future
A quick look at the world around us can sometimes be enough to make us feel disheartened. However, there is hope for enhanced living conditions considering the knowledge, creativity and ability to solve problems and collaborate possessed by so many students, researchers, collaborative partners and alumni, writes LTH's Dean Annika Olsson.

Sweden needs to boost STEM – and solve the skills issue
If Sweden is to successfully manage major transitions in areas such as digitalisation, energy, new advanced materials and drug therapies, there is a need for new, long-term investment and more places on engineering study programmes, writes LTH’s dean Annika Olsson.

Dean of LTH wishes Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Many great things have happened at LTH in 2022, writes Annika Olsson, Dean of LTH.

Important discussions about – and with – the surrounding world
During the annual visit to LTH by members of parliament, the management of LTH highlighted its commitment to contribute to lifelong learning. At the same time, LTH stated that courses and other initiatives for lifelong learning need to be funded by the government and not at the expense of engineering programmes at LTH – Dean of LTH, Annika Olsson.

Democracy and equality – important key words for LTH
LTH's Dean Annika Olsson comments on the events in Iran, regarding the attacks on students and university staff.

Cross-disciplinary research to benefit the world
In short, the idea of LTH’s Profile Areas is to gather our researchers from different disciplines within areas where LTH has a particular standing and where we can deliver benefits to the world around us, writes Dean of LTH, Annika Olsson.

“The culture is important from day one”
When we all contribute to a good culture at LTH – through respect for each other’s differences and with a constructive spirit in different collaborations – we can also make a big difference to society, writes the Dean of LTH Annika Olsson in a welcome greeting to LTH’s students.

Annika Olsson
Dean of LTH