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Dean's blog

8 June 2022

Many experiences and skills richer, this year’s graduates now leave LTH – for new adventures in a world and a working life where they are needed. Continue your knowledge journeys of exploration and creation, with good and fundamental values intact, writes LTH’s Dean Annika Olsson.

11 April 2022

The need for technical skills is growing in line with the re-establishment of industry in Sweden, and as a result of industry's transformation in areas such as sustainable development and digitalisation. Therefore, it is imperative that all young people, regardless of background and gender, see the opportunities in the future profession of [...]

21 March 2022

I hope that everyone at LTH will be able to meet more in the spring and do good things for each other and to benefit the world. That we make a stand for democracy and help those who need security and compassionate support, writes Dean of LTH Annika Olsson in a letter to LTH’s students.

4 March 2022

I hope we will take extra care of each other in these troubled times and be resolute together, writes Annika Olsson, Dean of LTH, in a message to students and staff affected by the attack on Ukraine.

21 February 2022

If Swedish companies are to continue to be among the world’s best in delivering safe and resource-efficient products, there is a need for collaboration between academia and industry, where leading edges can meet. Without strong research environments, and without the exchange of expertise, Sweden cannot be at the global forefront in the areas of [...]

17 December 2021

At a time of global challenges, we need to examine complex problems from various perspectives and starting points – to find the solutions that work best. In that perspective, it is obvious that international connections formed by LTH students and staff lead to benefits for industry and society, says Annika Olsson, Dean of LTH.

2 December 2021

Ultimately, it is about creating an open and creative environment that attracts students and researchers, and where everyone can realise their potential. I have taken part in events which highlight the fact that currently more women than men leave academia after earning a PhD – and that it is thus harder for LTH to recruit women as lecturers and [...]

13 October 2021

Students, researchers, alumni, collaborative partners, innovators and innovation support representatives. Everyone in LTH's problem-solving community is needed as LTH brings together curious questions and the highest quality research to improve living conditions and find answers to challenges of all kinds. This is what LTH's Dean Annika Olsson [...]

2 September 2021

It is so heart-warming to see older students devote many hours of their spare time during the orientation period to make new students feel welcome and help them settle into their studies at LTH, writes LTH’s Dean Annika Olsson.

24 June 2021

We have seen that you have all persevered, and that you have not only struggled on your own but also helped each other through several challenges this spring. That's what LTH's Dean Annika Olsson and Deputy Dean Heiner Linke write in a summer greeting to LTH's employees and students.