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Lunds Tekniska Högskola

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Xuhong Li received best Journal paper award.

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Xuhong Li awarded

Postdoctoral researcher Xuhong Li received the IEEE Sweden VT-COM-IT Joint Chapter Best Student Journal Paper Award at the 2023 Swedish Communication Technologies Workshop previous week. The award is given to the best paper published by a PhD student in Sweden during 2021-2022 in the area of communications systems and theory, Information theory, networking, signal processing, and related areas.  
Detection and estimation of multipath components in wireless channels have always been seen as a tricky and highly complex problem. The area has traditionally been used for radio channel modeling but in recent times it has become very important in the area of radio-based positioning. In the paper Xuhong Li has developed and demonstrated a new approach for sequential estimation and tracking of multipath components. The latter is very important for positioning where multipath components from several snapshots typically are used for the positioning task. The developed algorithm has relatively low complexity, especially in comparison to other state of the art methods, while it provides superior performance, especially in low and medium SNR regions. The developed framework offers many advantages and can be an important step towards real-time highly accurate radio-based positioning.

X. Li, E. Leitinger, A. Venus and F. Tufvesson, "Sequential Detection and Estimation of Multipath Channel Parameters Using Belief Propagation," in
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 10, pp. 8385-8402, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TWC.2022.3165856.