Elektro- och informationsteknik

Lunds Tekniska Högskola

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Umar investigates sparse codes for reliable communication


Portrait. Muhammad Umar Farooq.

Muhammad Umar Farooq. Photo: Hammad Hassan.

Ever wondered how your precious data survive a noisy transmission with maintained quality? Muhammad Umar Farooq can tell you, and how current technologies can be improved.   On November 25 at 9.15 he defends his PhD thesis “Sparse Codes on Graphs with Convolutional Code Constraints” at LTH, Lund University.

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The advancements and functionalities of present and future digital communication networks require reliable information exchange in every situation. The field of channel coding ensures this through channel codes that detect and correct errors, which occur during this exchange. Among these channel codes, the low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, and turbo codes are widely used in the standards of wireless and satellite communication. This thesis is an attempt to gain a deeper understanding of the turbo-like codes (TCs), which are the extension of turbo codes, and their connection to the LDPC codes. The potential of these codes is demonstrated by measuring their performance through the computer simulations. These investigations lead to an introduction of a new class of codes, which is more powerful than the turbo codes in some performance aspects.

What made you want to pursue a PhD?

I have previously worked in 2G, 3G, and 4G RAN design and optimization. It was the curiosity to gain a deeper understanding of wireless communication that made me pursue a PhD. My interest in wireless communication goes back to the childhood times, when I was baffled with the working of satellite receivers and TV antennas.

What is the most fascinating with your thesis subject?

The subject of channel coding is vast and difficult, yet it is simple and elegant at the same time. It has plenty of surprises for the researchers.

What are your plans?

I will be joining Ericsson Lund after my PhD defence, and I am very excited to be part of the team working on concepts and network solutions of the next generation cellular systems.