Elektro- och informationsteknik

Lunds Tekniska Högskola

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Patrik Olausson studied quantum bit transistors

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Patrik Olausson

Title of thesis:III-V Devices for Emerging Electronic Applications
Link to thesis in LU Research Portal:

Defence: Friday February 23rd, 09:15, Lecture Hall E:1406, building E.

Describe your research in a popular science way

Today’s digital electronics relies on the transistor technology, where calculations are performed using a binary numerical system, represented by high and low currents. An interesting approach to increase the computational power is to replace the digital bits "1" and "0" with quantum bits, which can exist in a superposition of these two states. This enables certain types of calculations to be performed more efficiently. One of the most promising quantum bits is based on the fact that certain metals becomes superconducting at temperatures near absolute zero (-273.15°C). The recent development in realization of these types of devices has led to an increased interest in cryogenic electronics. In this thesis, were are fabricating III-V transistors and studying the electron transport at cryogenic temperatures.

What made you want to pursue a PhD?

I was introduced to semiconductor device processing when I did my master’s thesis at RISE. I really enjoyed it, and decided to do a PhD within the field.

What is the most fascinating or interesting with your thesis subject?

Processing of devices on the nm-scale is demanding. Excellent material quality is required, and the surface-to-volume ratio is large, meaning that the surface quality is essential. Defects in the crystal structure or poor interfaces leads to scattering of electrons and reduced device performance.  In addition, different parts of the devices are defined in separate steps, hence requiring extremely high spatial precision. It is fascinating to follow how far the limit for engineering achievements can be pushed.

What are your plans?

I will further increase my knowledge within semiconductor device processing by joining a company developing semiconductor lasers.
