Elektro- och informationsteknik

Lunds Tekniska Högskola

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Johan Lundgren is given the TLTH pedagogic award

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Johan comments: "To be a teacher is a complex puzzle with several important parts. There are so many aspects to discuss that all cannot possibly be addressed here. Discussions about this topic tend to be focused on various aspects of the role of the teacher in the classroom. I would like to emphasize this, and to also highlight the important role of the students themselves for the didactic development. I think that the interplay and interactions between teacher and students are crucial. I always try to amplify the levels of enthusiasm and engagement from both me and from the students. In order to achieve this, it is important to understand your group of students, including details of scheduling, their thoughts and future plans. It is the responsibility of the teacher to seek out this information, listen to the students, and continuously make improvements during the course. This way it is possible to create a rewarding, stimulating, and meaningful education experience."

Link to TLTH announcement (External, Swedish).