Elektro- och informationsteknik

Lunds Tekniska Högskola

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HNIoT: Workshop on Heterogeneous Networking for the Internet of Things


On the 11-14th of May 2015 in Glascow, Scotland The Internet of Things will span from WSAN (Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks), and M2M communication, to security frameworks and service models, while next generation wireless access networks will be composed of flexible, multi-tier, and scalable heterogeneous architectures, incorporating small cells, offloading techniques, and optimized protocols for cellular IoT.

Thus, an important challenge in future wireless communications is how to design and run cost efficient networks that optimize the key performance indicators to support the requirements of these services. The Workshop on Heterogeneous Networking for the Internet of Things brings together researchers focusing on resource management and optimization within the context of heterogeneous wireless networking.

The scope of the workshop lies in the communication aspects, key technologies, algorithms, and protocols in HetNets enabling IoT, with a focus on M2M communications and offloading, as well as IoT-enabled services, with a special interest on Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). Important dates:

Paper submission: 17 December 2014 (Firm Deadline)

Acceptance notices sent: 26 January 2015

Final papers due: 16 February 2015