Elektro- och informationsteknik

Lunds Tekniska Högskola

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Eduardo Medeiros improves the Physical Layer for High Frequency Wireline Broadband Systems


Eduardo Medeiros research deals with providing very fast and reliable Internet access through twisted pair cables. In the past, these were used to connect homes all the way to telephone operator exchanges. Nowadays they are used in short distances from a street cabinet to your apartment or inside buildings.

To provide high-speed Internet access over wires, modern modems mitigate interference; imagine noise cancelling headphones.
– The first two parts of my thesis deal with the interaction between interference mitigation and changes to the cables’ transmission properties due to impedance mismatch and temperature. A third part of the thesis deals with the use of twisted pair cables to provide cellular coverage inside homes. The approach chosen is to deploy simple equipment with antennas inside a home and transmit the radio signal using the wires at appropriate frequencies, he says.

What made you want to pursue a PhD?
– Borrowing from Prof. Per Ola Börjesson’s definition, the end result of a PhD education is not the thesis but the researcher itself. I was interested in both broadening and deepening my knowledge. LTH has excellent reputation, facilities and personnel. When the opportunity came, I had to take it.

What is the most fascinating with the subject?
– In a broad sense, my research deals with multicarrier modulation systems. These systems are efficient, mathematically elegant and have enormous impact in the daily lives of millions around the world. Besides this, a lot of my work was connected to real problems in industry, coupled with measurements and unconventional experiments such as freezing cables. To me this makes the topic fascinating.

What’s next?
– After the PhD was done I rejoined Ericsson Research in Kista, working with 5G related topics.  
