Elektro- och informationsteknik

Lunds Tekniska Högskola

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During the LTH exam ceremony 30 May João Vieira was received an award from Sparbanksstiftelsen Färs och Frosta of 100.000 SEK for his Phd thesis Algorithms and Proofs of Concept for Massive MIMO Systems.[more]


Eduardo Medeiros research deals with providing very fast and reliable Internet access through twisted pair cables. In the past, these were used to connect homes all the way to telephone operator exchanges. Nowadays they are used...[more]


ELLIIT publication in Nature • WASP initiative on AI • SSF’s Cybersecurity Call • Nordic Industrial Hub on Industrial IoT • Joint User Activity and Non-Coherent Data Detection in mMTC-Enabled Massive MIMO Using Machine Learning...[more]


För ett år sedan presenterade forskare från EIT världens första chip för basbandsprocessning i Massive MIMO vid den årliga flaggskeppskonferensen ISSCC (International Solid State Circuits Conference) i San Francisco. Som...[more]


At the International Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) on 11-15 February in San Francisco, Pietro Andreani from department of electrical and information technology at LTH, Lund university, received his IEEE Fellow Award at...[more]


LPKF Contact S4 är ett nytillskott i EITs maskinpark och ska användas till att kopparplätera borrade hål i kretskort. Detta för att få elektrisk kontakt mellan ledarbanor på olika lager kretskorten: översida, undersida eller inre...[more]


På fredag invigs vinter-OS i sydkoreanska Pyeongchang. Men de olympiska spelen är också den första stora uppvisningen i tävlingen mot nästa generations mobilsystem – 5G.


Liang Liu, departement of electrical and information technology, LTH at Lund university, have received Göran Linds Prize (40.000 SEK) from the Royal Physiographic Society of Lund.  About the Royal Physiographic Society of...[more]


Pietro Andreani, departement of electrical and information technology, LTH at Lund university,  has been elevated to IEEE Fellow for his contributions to CMOS integrated voltage-controlled oscillators. About the IEEE Fellow...[more]


It is possible to get a fiber-like Internet speed without bothering about pulling a fiber home. Ultra-fast Internet speeds are coming through the regular copper based phone lines. The latest technology behind this buzz is[more]