Elektro- och informationsteknik

Lunds Tekniska Högskola

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Halvledarindustrin drivs framåt av förbättringar av digitala processorer där transistorn har varit den fundamentala komponenten. Under den senaste tiden har området breddats mot komponenter som är speciellt designade för att vara...[more]


The semiconductor industry is driven forward by improvements in digital processors, of which the transistor has been the fundamental component. Recently, the field has been broadened to include components that are specially...[more]


Sven Mattisson, Photo.

Professor Sven Mattisson har förlänats H.M. Konungens medalj i 8:e storleken i Serafimerordens band för betydelsefulla tekniska innovationer.[more]


Person driving car. Photo.

For ten years, researchers in communications engineering in Lund have worked in close collaboration with Volvo Cars and other vehicle manufacturers to study communication between vehicles. The result is robust communication...[more]


Lars-Erik Wernersson, professor i nanoelektronik, om bristen på halvledare.[more]


Stefan Andrić holding dissertation. Photo.

Wireless hardware can currently communicate with wavelengths of up to 6 GHz. To go beyond this, towards the interval 10 to 100 GHz, the performance of the parts of the computer chips that process the signals from and to antennas...[more]


Lars-Erik Wernersson, professor of nanoelectronics at Lund University, has received an ERC Advanced Grant for the integration of new materials into the high-performance, energy-efficient transistors and circuit solutions of the...


Lars-Erik Wernersson, professor i nanoelektronik, får EU:s ERC Advanced Grant för integration av nya material i framtidens högpresterande och energisnåla transistorer och kretslösningar.


Portait: Erik Mårtensson

The communication on the internet has to be encrypted if you want to be sure that only the sender and receiver can share the information. Today's encryption is based on mathematical problems that are easy to construct but really...[more]


RubrikerNy ELLIIT-organisationNya ELLIIT-projekt och rekryteringarResearch highlightsELLIIT i kampen mot coronaAvoiding collision when the road friction is unknownNew high-speed energy-efficient data convertersOpenModelica...[more]

Visar post 41 till 50 av totalt 142.