
Name: Navya Sri Garigapati Date of dissertation: 27-09-2023 Title of thesis: Radio Frequency InGaAs MOSFETs Link to thesis: https://portal.research.lu.se/en/publications/radio-frequency-ingaas-mosfets Describe...[more]

Saketh Ram Mamidala defends his thisis Friday, September 1st in lecture hall E:B, 09:15. Zoom link: https://lu-se.zoom.us/s/64202896244 Zoom ID: 64202896244. External link to...[more]

Elias Björk, Linus von Ekensteen Löfgren, Ben Nel and Oskar Watsfeldt have, supervised by Johan Lundgren, won the IEEE AP-S Student Design Contest within reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS). Read more here: External link to...[more]

Mattias Borg, Associate Professor in Nanoelectronics, and Henrik Sjöland, specialist in analog circuit design, Ericsson, have started a five-year industry-PhD project in part financed by The Swedish Foundation for Strategic...[more]
Xuesong Cai has received MSEK 1 from The Crafoods Foundation for his two-year project "Research on Propagation Channels for Terahertz Communication, Positioningand Sensing Towards 6G." External link to The Crafoord Foundation.[more]

Joachim Rodrigues, LTH, and Christian Fager, Chalmers, lead an initiative for advanced semiconductor-and electronic systems design. Behind ClassIC (Charmers-Lund Advanced Semiconductor System Design Center) are Chalmers Technical...[more]

Johan comments: "To be a teacher is a complex puzzle with several important parts. There are so many aspects to discuss that all cannot possibly be addressed here. Discussions about this topic tend to be focused on various...[more]

Why do the mobile phones today have a bad battery life? Are we just polishing up the old school transistors to quench the thirst of today’s technology? This thesis work focused towards developing unconventional low power...[more]

Hanieh Aliakbari has used systematic, modal design to improve antenna bandwidth. She defends her thesis Wednesday, June 14th, E:1406, the E-house, 09:15.[more]

Alexander Nilsson has studied different ways to secure encryption algorithms in the post-quantum cryptography era. He defends his PhD thesis “Decryption Failure Attacks on Post-Quantum Cryptography” on 11th of May, E:A, E-huset,...[more]