Major grants to Biomedical Engineering researchers
Ten researchers within the profile area Engineering Health at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, receives grants from the Swedish Research Council (VR), FORMAS, Stiftelsen för Bistånd, and the Future Innovation Award.
– Publicerad den 8 november 2023
- FORMAS: Wei Qiu, MSEK 4 for High-performance lead-free ultrasonic devices for high-power applications
- Future Innovation competition: Magnus Cinthio, Isabel Goncalves and Tobias Erlöv, MSEK 0,15.
- Stiftelsen för Bistånd: Christian Antfolk (MSEK 1,9) and Nebojsa Malesevic (MSEK 1,5)
- VR: Magnus Cinthio, MSEK 3,82 for Mätning av mikrocirkulationen i aterosklerotiska plack med hjälp av ultraljud
- VR: Maria Evertsson, MSEK 4 for Combining high resolution ultrasound and tissue characterizing spectroscopy, pave the way for a novel and safer platform for diagnosing children with Hirschsprung's disease and anorectal malformations
- VR: Anna Gustafsson, MSEK 4 for Damage mechanisms in cortical bone and impact of age and osteoporosis
- VR: Hanna Isaksson, MSEK 4,2 for Osteoarthritis and the human knee – linking structural degradation to mechanical performance
- VR: Josefin Starkhammar, MSEK 3,8 for Djupdykning in i bildandet av delfinekolokaliseringsstråle - akustiska fältutbredningsmodeller i 3D av intern strålbildning baserade på in vivo datortomografibilder